Sunday, June 22, 2014

June trip to UC

We had another day of appointments at UC with Hadley this past week. We met with a speech pathologist first. Mrs.B was great, patient and understanding. She was also amazed at how well Hadley is doing. Mrs.B is fluent in sign, and Hadley responded to her really well.  She made some recommendations for us, and gave us some pointers for the future.
Then we met with Dr.W who is a developmental behavioral specialist. What a blessing it is to meet this team of amazing doctors! Dr.W's assessment was that Hadley us catching up, maybe slightly still behind in gross motor, but overall doing well. From her stand point if and when we get a cochlear implant Hadley will be an appropriate recipient.
Then Hadley had some blood work, didn't shed one tear, tough girl. Then as we walked to the audiologist's office she insisted on walking with her oversized backpack on cruising the halls all by herself. Waving and smiling at everyone in her path. With her hotpink, sparkly sunglasses on. Everyone smiling and waving back, she is so stinking cute!
Then we met with Mrs.L the audiologist and we made our next appointment for our hearing aids, which by the way are hotpink too!!! Mid July we will go back and get them, wearing them for a few months to see if amplication will change anything. However I will say, when you hear nothing, hearing aids only amplify nothing. But we will give them a try anyway.

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