Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The day!!!

On May 21, 2013 we received our sweet girls file. At the time we weren't 100 % guaranteed that all the kinks would work out, but we trusted and God delivered us just as he promised us he would.
       I had gone to Boston for a nursing convention with a few of my closest friends. Just a week or two before I left we had requested a file off the agency specific list, just to learn that it was already locked and out of reach for us at the time. I was very upset and I must admit I lost a few tears over that. As a Christian I want people to see me as someone who fully trusts God, even when things are bad, and it is extremely hard to walk on this path and never admit your scared and wondering will God so up or will I look like an idiot? To be honest it is scary, especially when you have an audience waiting to see your reaction to what ever problems life and this world throw at you.
         I remember thinking there's just something about her face, something that says "I'm yours". If you have adopted a child you might be able to relate to this idea. I wondered for so many months about whether or not I would know if she was the one when I saw her, and then it happened and I did! This is the first photo we saw of her sweet face....

She looked so happy, and content. Just as I had hoped for. Our family coordinator sent us the entire file to look at, and I read it from my computer in Boston, as Brian read it from our house. We talked on the phone, and from that moment on I new she was ours.  We waited to tell the kids, we didn't want to say we have a file until we were given the okay from our agency to proceed. After returning home Brian and I spoke with our international adoption specialist and she went over every detail she could find in her file. For Hadley's privacy I'm not going to post any information on this site, but I will say that she is just the way we wanted "perfect"! 

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